New Experience #33: Mosaic Art

New Experience 33Sometimes coming up with an idea for a New Experience takes a lot of work.  Finding time in our busy schedules and thinking of an activity that everyone will enjoy is sometimes more time-consuming than the activity itself.  But, occasionally, a New Experience presents itself to us, and we don’t have to plan anything at all.  Those New Experiences usually turn out to be some of our most fun.

A few weeks ago (I’m a little behind on updating the blog!), our friends invited us to meet them at Art Attack, a pottery and glass fusing studio in Flemington, New Jersey. While painting pottery sounded like something the kids would love to do, I was a bit hesitant to accept the invitation.  You see, we had painted our own pottery in 2011, when I was doing New Experiences for myself.  I brought the kids to a studio with me and we spent at least an hour painting adorable little ceramic statues.  Fun, right?  It was a great way to spend time together.  But, I completely forgot to pick our artwork up in a timely manner.  When the kids reminded me about it, I called the studio and learned that they had just cleaned up and threw away all the artwork that had been sitting there for more than a month.  I never told the kids!

When we were invited to Art Attack, I was afraid it would remind the kids of the other pottery place, and I’d have to confess.

I put my fears aside and told my friend we would be happy to join her for a pottery painting session and that we’d also make our own mosaic project as one of our New Experiences.

When we entered Art Attack, I noticed it looked almost exactly like the other pottery painting studio.  I cringed, waiting for the questions about the old ceramic statues.  But, two years is a long time in the life of a 7 and 6-year-old child.  No one asked at all.  They were too busy scanning the shelves for their next project and talking with their friends.

mosaic art The kids really enjoyed painting the statues, but it did not take very long and they wanted to continue.  I was so glad that I had already decided they were doing two projects.  They were thrilled to try the mosaics.

I tried to steer them to choose a picture frame or mirror for their mosaic project.  We really don’t need any more statues in our house now that they had just painted two more.  Luke happily chose a picture frame.  Leah decided she did not want to make a picture frame.  She wanted to decorate a cross for my mother, who is very religious.  She said, “I just know she will love this.  I just know it!”  How could I argue with such thoughtfulness?

mosaic artBoth children enjoyed making the mosaic projects.  I was really impressed by amount of time they took choosing each little tile and stone.  Luke concentrated on this project much more than the painting.

The best part of the mosaic project is that we were able to take it home right away.  Once the tiles set overnight, we mixed the grout and completed it at home.

The statues are still in the studio, waiting to be fired in the kiln.  This time I will remember to pick them up on time!

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About 52BrandNew

I am a single stay at home mom who is determined to live life to its fullest.
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